Category / Camino de Santiago / female travel / hiking / things to do / travel
The Camino de Santiago: Santiago to Finisterre
Santiago can feel strangely commercialised after being on the road for so long. A plethora of souvenir shops fill the old, narrow streets, hawking everything than can be covered in yellow arrows or shells. Still, I enjoyed a few days of doing very little and wandering the beautiful city, filling time between meals by taking…
The Camino de Santiago: O Cebreiro to Santiago de Compostela
The albergue in O Cebreiro was freezing that night and, though I had three layers top and bottom, I could not get warm. Unsurprising then when I went out and found the village of O Cebreiro a pretty winter wonderland in the snow. Again I decided to take the main road down from O Cebreiro,…
The Camino de Santiago: Pamplona to Logroño
Having really enjoyed experiencing Pamplona I decided to rethink my Camino strategy. My tendons, now plural, still were sore, a bit improved but I’ve had enough experience with tendon problems to not want to create a longer-lasting situation. And more, I liked seeing where I was, I was finally starting to enjoy the experience rather…
Why female solo travel?
Can I travel alone as a woman? I was asked not so long ago about my experiences of travelling solo as a female. Why did I do it? What did I worry about? What made me think I could do it? To be honest, it never occurred to me that I wasn’t able to travel…