Tag / culture
The Camino de Santiago: Santiago to Finisterre
Santiago can feel strangely commercialised after being on the road for so long. A plethora of souvenir shops fill the old, narrow streets, hawking everything than can be covered in yellow arrows or shells. Still, I enjoyed a few days of doing very little and wandering the beautiful city, filling time between meals by taking…
The Camino de Santiago: O Cebreiro to Santiago de Compostela
The albergue in O Cebreiro was freezing that night and, though I had three layers top and bottom, I could not get warm. Unsurprising then when I went out and found the village of O Cebreiro a pretty winter wonderland in the snow. Again I decided to take the main road down from O Cebreiro,…
The Camino de Santiago: Burgos to León
Heading off from Burgos at the unforgivably late hour of 08:30, I was both rested and yet unenthusiastic. My rest had made me lazy. The next big milestone was León and my destination that night was Hornillos del Camino, about 20km off, the terrain being mostly flat and would be a good test for my…
Christmas and New Year’s Eve in Iceland
Despite appearances, I do like Christmas. Just not when the hype starts in September. But now that’s it’s December I can get into the Christmas spirit and there’s a few differences with Christmas in Iceland that I’m enjoying learning about. Here Christmas is called Jól, which we know as Yule, an ancient pre-Christian feast. Icelanders…
Iceland: 5 Museums and places to visit in Reykjavik
It’s my last day in Reykjavik and being an overcast day and somewhat raining day it’s a good idea to head indoors after being outside so much. So what are the best museums in Reykjavik? Saga Museum I thought I remembered this museum in Reykjavik as being better. It’s quite expensive and not very large. I…